Tag Archives: glady-reinstate

Ah, Hell Naw: Miss America Pageant Will Re-Crown Vanessa Williams If She Apologizes To Them For Freaky Flicks

Miss American Pageant Wants Vanessa Williams Apology For Nude Photo Scandal For those of you who are unaware, vintage banger Vanessa Williams was crowned the very first African-American Miss America in 1983, but was unceremoniously forced to resign after it was revealed that she had taken some bucket-nekkid girl-on-girl photos. Fast forward to 2015, Vanessa Willams agreed to return to the fold under the condition that the pageant execs would apologize to her and give her a new crown. You know? A “progressive” mea culpa for slut shaming her years ago. But nah, in reality, the Miss America pageant are the same group of douchebags that they were back in ’83. According to TMZ , Vanessa’s representation met with the pageant brass and they believe Vanessa should actually apologize to THEM for taking those photos in the first place! Let them tell it, they will glady reinstate Vanessa’s crown if she just bends her knee and kisses their bougie azzes. The Miss America pageant airs on Sunday and the two sides are nowhere NEAR an agreement and they’ve already been running promo for Vanessa’s big return. Suckas. Image via WENN/AKM-GSI

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Ah, Hell Naw: Miss America Pageant Will Re-Crown Vanessa Williams If She Apologizes To Them For Freaky Flicks