Tag Archives: goals-come

QuickSilva Pops Off On Donald Trump Over Government Shutdown

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Join Our Text Club To Get The Latest Music, Entertainment, Contests And Breaking News On Your Phone. Text BALTIMORE to 24042 to join! We’re used to the heat served daily on The QuickSilva Show. But, on Monday, tempers flared when QuickSilva had some choice words for President Donald Trump. With almost a month into this government shutdown, federal workers who have been working without pay are walking off the job. It’s something Quick said puts our country at risk. Press play above to hear his full remarks. Related: Federal Workers Will Receive Retroactive Pay After Shutdown The Latest Music, Celebrities and Interviews :

QuickSilva Pops Off On Donald Trump Over Government Shutdown

Vitamin Of The Day: Remain Consistent and The “It” Will Happen

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In cased you missed The Vitamin of the day on the Quick Silva Show…The Vitamin was “Remain Consistent and The ‘It’ Will Happen. Quick stressed the importance remaining consistent to achieve your goal. You’ve got to make a commitment to be consistent to see your goals come true. If you want to hear the full vitamin, watch the Vitamin on the video above.

Vitamin Of The Day: Remain Consistent and The “It” Will Happen