The Hangover 3 reviews have been anything but positive around the Internet, while the film itself finished in a distant second this weekend to Fast & Furious 6 . But Zach Galifianakis has come up with a way to reverse the movie’s fortune: he’s shaved off most of his famous bushy beard! That’s right, the actor walked the red carpet of last night’s Paris premiere with just a goatee covering his chin. It’s a dramatic change for the star… but is it a positive one? Decide now: How do you prefer your Zach Galifianakis? And the Winner is? With a beard! Click Here To Vote for With With a goatee! Click Here To Vote for With Zach Galifianakis has shaven most of his bushy beard. Do you prefer his old look or his new look? View Poll »
See the article here:
Zach Galifianakis Goatee: What Do You Think?