Tag Archives: goddess-kali

13 Truly Scary Celebrity Halloween Costumes

Halloween is a time for three things: For kids to dress in some kind of adorable outfit. For women to turn the most benign of costumes into the skankiest of costumes . For celebrities to cross certain lines with their controversial costume ideas. With the third point in mind, we present 13 especially scandalous celebrity Halloween costumes over recent years: 1. Snooki as a Missing Child It may sort of seem like a silly concept, but milk cartons are actually used sometimes to alert people to missing children. Not exactly something one should mock, Snooki. 2. Julianne Hough as Crazy Eyes Julianne Hough going as a character from Orange is the New Black was a funny idea. She just should have avoided the whole blackface thing. 3. Chris Brown as a Terrorist Chris Brown went as a member of the Taliban in 2012. We were impressed he managed to dress up as the one type of person more hated than he is. 4. Bill Maher as Steve Irwin In 2006, mere months after the death of Steve Irwin, Bill Maher dressed as a “dead” version of the crocodile hunter. His outfit included a bloody stinger stinking out of his chest. 5. Adrianne Curry as Amy Winehouse Adrianne Curry dressed as Amy Winehouse in 2009. The costume included a beehive wig and a fake hypodermic needle sticking out of her arm. Yikes! 6. Heidi Klum the Goddess Kali Heidi Klum always goes all out for Halloween. In 2008, the supermodel dressed up as the Hindu Goddess Kali and was accused of offending the Hindu faith. (Yes, this really is a photo of Heidi Klum.) View Slideshow

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13 Truly Scary Celebrity Halloween Costumes