Tag Archives: going-very

Thousands More Dead Fish Turn Up in La. Waters

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHQU7gzn2eE&feature=player_embedded# Thousands more dead fish have turned up in Plaquemines Parish, the second large such kill in the area in the past few days. (Sept. 17) See also: JUST IN: EPA reveals high levels of cancer-causing heavy metal near area of massive fishkill — GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION CONCERNS http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/epa-finds-levels-cancer-causing-heavy-metals-e… What's Going On In The Gulf? → Washington's Blog: http://bit.ly/aIy5fG Riki Ott – I've been reading about bacteria, and I now think the Great Gulf Experiment is going very badly for humans http://huff.to/bXHa0d added by: samantha420