Tag Archives: gonna-dispose

Kush Chronicles: British Old Head Couple “Unknowingly” Buy Flea Market Plant That Grows Into Giant Tweeds Bush!

We love a good flea market find! Especially one that puts you on cloud nine . Via UK Guardian reports : Police say that an elderly couple who bought what they thought was an innocuous green bush at a flea market and planted it at home were shocked to realize they had unwittingly grown a monstrous “sticky icky” plant in their garden. Police in Bedford were so surprised to discover the shrub, they tweeted about their find . In the message, the force said the plant had been “seized today.” The message exclaimed: “Elderly couple bought shrub at car boot sale, tended carefully-biggest cannabis plant we had seen!!”. Police officers were said to be astounded when they spotted the plant. They have collected it and a spokesperson said it would be disposed of. The couple will face no action from the police, it is believed. Sure they’re gonna dispose of it… And if you believe that we’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Them British cops about to get hiiiiiiiiiiiigh.

Originally posted here:
Kush Chronicles: British Old Head Couple “Unknowingly” Buy Flea Market Plant That Grows Into Giant Tweeds Bush!