Tag Archives: gretchen carlson

Ho Sit Down!: Fauxes ‘Gretchen Carlson’ Says Serena’s Outburst Had “Racial Undertone!” [Video]

Can you believe this trick?

Read the original here:
Ho Sit Down!: Fauxes ‘Gretchen Carlson’ Says Serena’s Outburst Had “Racial Undertone!” [Video]

Cheech And Chong Push Weed On Fox News

The legendary duo want to legalize pot, and they inexplicably ended up on Fox & Friends , where Gretchen Carlson — who is, apparently, perfect — essentially accused them of pushing drugs on kids. Patronize all you want, Gretchen Carlson, but don't you dare doubt for one minute that Shep Smith doesn't keep a jumbo bong in his dressing room.

Cheech And Chong Push Weed On Fox News

Gretchen real housewives, Gretchen rossi, Gretchen real housewives vibrator

jks.25u.com halinoput gretchen carlson,gretchen rossi, gretchen real housewives pictures,delyn, gretchen real housewives pics,gretchen real housewives, gretchen real housewives vibrator “ Real Housewives of Orange County” star Gretchen Rossi has been involved in a lot of controversy… Continue reading