Tag Archives: gum-commercial

Yes, This Gum Commercial is About to Make You Cry

Extra, Extra see all about it! A new gum commercial is making nearly every television viewer cry. The full spot is almost two minutes in length and it centers on Sarah and Juan, two high school students who fall in love and whose relationships hits some obstacles over the years. From their first kiss to their senior prom and beyond, Juan marks each major occasion by drawing in a gum wrapper. Scored to Elvis Presley’s “Can’t Help Falling in Love” (but sung by American Idol Season 10 contestant Haley Reinhart), the commercial ends with Sarah strolling through an art gallery that features these wrappers in frames… … and it concludes with a sketch of the proposal that’s about to take place. Watch now, prepare the tissues and see why we've included this among our all-time favorite commercials .

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Yes, This Gum Commercial is About to Make You Cry