Tag Archives: hairdo-as-she

Pam Anderson’s Got Hep C Hair of the DAy

Thanks to the whole Woody Allen thing, I asked the public, my friends, fans and admirers….my internet Valentines and haters…who they would have wanted to be molested by when they were 7…because as someone who doesn’t remember if he was molested, doesn’t care if he was molested, and doesn’t like hearing the drama from people who have been molested, I am heartless when it comes to age old issues great minds have been diddling for generations..like it is the foundation of humanity or some shit…not that 7 year olds, even orphans no one cares about but that get adopted to feed some spoiled Lindsay Lohan of her Generations ego….. And more than one person said Pam Anderson…because I probably talk to a lot of 30 year olds…or even 40 year olds…cuz being 7 when Pam Anderson mattered would make you pretty fucking old…but not as old as Pam Anderson…someone dying of liver disease who cut off all her hair…because looking like a porn granny on her way to go knitting with a dick in her battered asshole…who you can almost take seriously..is her new look…unless of course she’s got cancer…and this is her cancer hair…in which case..I’m an asshole…but you already knew that… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

Pam Anderson’s Got Hep C Hair of the DAy