Tag Archives: halfway-between

Sh*t Is Real: A Look Behind The Scenes Of The Real Life Plantation Tarantino Used To Film Django Unchained! [Photos]

These photos gave us chills… This is Evergreen Plantation down in Wallace Louisiana; situated on the banks of the Mississippi. It’s roughly located halfway between New Orleans and Baton Rougue and is currently operating as a privately-owned and working sugar cane plantation…but this haunted spot has a blood-drenched, 250-year history that dates back to the slave trade. And this was also where Quentin Tarantino chose to film portions of Django Unchained . Some 22 original slave cabins are still standing in historically ‘preserved’ conditions and were home to men, women, and children who worked outdoors in the searing southern heat and humidity six days a week. Records show a man named Lezin Becnel was listed in an 1860 census as the plantation owner along with his brother, and the official count of slaves at that point was 103 living in 48 dwellings. Wonder what kind of power and grief Kerry and Jamie must have felt while they were filming there?? Hit the flip for more…

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Sh*t Is Real: A Look Behind The Scenes Of The Real Life Plantation Tarantino Used To Film Django Unchained! [Photos]