Tag Archives: hanna-jachimska

Winnie the Pooh Banned from Polish Playground Over "Dubious Sexuality," Lack of Pants

Government representatives in Poland have pooh-poohed efforts to use Winnie the Pooh as the official mascot of a town playground. According to The Croatian Times, local officials will not allow the beloved Disney character to grace a poster near the park due to his “ dubious sexuality .” We’re not making this up. “The problem with that bear is it doesn’t have a complete wardrobe,” says Councillor Ryszard Cichy. “It is half naked, which is wholly inappropriate for children.” In Winnie the Pooh’s defense, he is wearing more articles of clothing than most bears out there. Also, he’s a cartoon. A town meeting was held over this divisive issue, with one official reportedly saying Winnie the Pooh “doesn’t wear underpants because it doesn’t have a sex It’s a hermaphrodite.” Councillor Hanna Jachimska, meanwhile, then dared to call out Winnie the Pooh author Alan Alexander Milne. “This is very disturbing,” she said. “The author was over 60 and cut [Pooh’s] testicles off with a razor blade because he had a problem with his identity.” Ummm… we’re not gonna touch that one. All we know is that if wearing pants were a requirement to be a playground mascot, no THG staff member would qualify for the gig.  19 Honest Disney Posters 1. 101 Dalmatians Imagining having 101 children to keep up with pretty much gives us hives. This wouldn’t have happened if people listened to Bob Barker.

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Winnie the Pooh Banned from Polish Playground Over "Dubious Sexuality," Lack of Pants