Tag Archives: happens-daily

Tamara Ecclestone 2013 Calendar Preview of the Day

I am starting to think people in the UK do not have smart phones or computers… Here are 4 pics – there’s at least 8 more out there…of Tamara Ecclestone…some daughter of a billionaire who manages to be a huge fucking pile of trash…in how she looks, dresses and behaves in tacky, cheap, garbage pictures….making me think maybe daddy was too busy making money to give her hugs and love….cuz why would someone try to leave their mark like this…if they didn’t have to….in cheap masturbation fodder for blue collar mechanics in the shop….cuz no one else uses bikinis…I mean shit, her dad is a fucking billionaire…couldn’t she have taken a couple thousand dollars and made an app or something….fuck….I hate these cunts who waste opportunities by following the stripper’s lead….it makes no sense…go to Harvard, get a degree, save the world, cure MS or AIDS or Herpes….instead of smearing said herpes on the pages of a 2013 calandar… Garbage….but I’d still K-Fed her.

Read the rest here:
Tamara Ecclestone 2013 Calendar Preview of the Day

Springbreakers New Poster of the Day

I can’t believe that as an adult, I am tracking the progress of the Springbreakers marketing material like it fucking matters in a world where real shit happens daily…… I can’t take myself seriously, but the good news is that I never do, not even when it comes to half naked tweens who aren’t even tweens, but instead genetically modifed 20 year olds up on some Disney Science experiment Peter Pan shit…. But I am documenting this shit….and here is the poster and some more of the exhausted and played out pics of Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens non-nude and some other whores I’ve never heard of in pics….

Go here to read the rest:
Springbreakers New Poster of the Day