Tag Archives: hate-the-lakers

Lamar Odom Braces World for Offspring with Khloe Kardashian

A Lamar Odom/Khloe Kardashian reality show is a scary enough thought. But now the NBA star has planted an even more frightening idea in our minds: kids with the attention-starved professional celebrity. “We would love to be able to raise children together,” Odom told People magazine this week. “That’s something that happens when you become a family. Hopefully it’ll happen soon.” And, undoubtedly, cameramen will be around to chronicle every aspect of the experience. Thank goodness. Asked if the exploited son of Kourtney Kardashian helps him and Khloe prepare for the inevitable, Odom answered in the affirmative. “[Mason] definitely gives us some insight, some practice. [He] is a special little boy.” The power forward has two kids from a previous relationship. He also has two championship rings from his stint in Los Angeles. Man, we hate the Lakers!

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Lamar Odom Braces World for Offspring with Khloe Kardashian