Tag Archives: hear-it-smells

Adriana Lima Topless for Esquire of the Day

I don’t know if these pics of Adriana Lima are new or old. You know post pregnancy ravaged vagina or pre-pregnancy ravaged vagina, I just know they are doing the rounds, and unlike her bloated Victoria’s Secret look she’s had the last year they’ve shot pics of her, she’s looking hot. But maybe I am just blinded by the tits and the memory of an Adriana Lima that was, before Catholicism and the whole “God’s Will To Get Pregnant instead of birth control” shit ruined her….that Catholic church from raping boys to raping south American girls’ bodies through their fabricated rules makes me wonder if there really is a god, and I’m thinking if there is, it may be found burying my face in Lima’s Asshole….I hear it smells like heaven….

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Adriana Lima Topless for Esquire of the Day