The Mother Monster herself, Lady Gaga, has become the first person to attract over 20 million followers on Twitter, breaking the barrier over the weekend. Gaga, 25, has held the title of most followed Twitter user since August 2010, when she surpassed Britney Spears, whose 13.5 million followers are still Top 10. While Spears and most celebs like Kim Kardashian primarily have their manager(s) handle Twitter duties, Gaga has claimed to personally maintain her account. She regularly uses it to interact with her fans, share original pictures and make major announcements, no doubt contributing to her “Queen of Twitter” status. Interestingly, the five most-followed people on Twitter are all musicians, led by Gaga (20 million), Justin Bieber (18 million) and Katy Perry (15.7 million). Gaga’s Twitter growth rate is larger than Bieber’s, too. Shakira (14.5 million) and Rihanna (14.4 million) are fourth and fifth, with Spears not far behind. [Photo:]
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Lady Gaga Makes Twitter History With 20 Million Followers