Sad news from London this morning, as the BBC reports that Angela Scoular , a former Bond girl who appeared nude in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969), has officially been declared to have died from drinking acidic drain cleaner. (She died in April, but the cause of death was not revealed until now.) The actress was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2008, and although doctors declared her free of cancer after treatment and surgery, she continued to fear the disease would return. Exacerbated by her alcoholism, these fears eventually consumed Scoular, and she ended her own life before cancer could. A coroner’s court in Westminster ruled that Scoular died from non-survivable burns that covered 40% of her digestive tract, and although the burns were self-inflicted, the death was not considered a suicide as she was “not of sound mind” when she drank the poison. Angela Scoular rose to fame after starring as Buttercup in the 1966 James Bond spoof Casino Royale , and rather ironically became a Bond girl herself three years later in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969). She later appeared nude in the comedies Adventures of a Taxi Driver (1976) and Adventures of a Private Eye (1977), along with 31 other onscreen roles. She is survived by her husband, 87-year-old actor Leslie Phillips . This British babe entertained millions over her four decades in film and will be sorely missed. Members can check out the breast of Angela Scoular right here at!
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Bond Babe Angela Scoular Dies from Drinking Drain Cleaner