Tag Archives: her-off-center

Tinashe Covers Dazed Magazine, Talks Defining Success And Being A Role Model

Tinashe For Dazed Magazine Tinashe grabbed the cover of Dazed magazine’s WInter 2015 issue, and complimented her off-center spread with talk about her music , her image and ultimate career goals. When Dazed asked if she hoped to achieve mainstream commercial success, she replied: “Yes, but not in a super-literal way,” she says. “I don’t really care about making a lot of money, but I care about being the most successful. I don’t necessarily consider dollar signs the most successful. You shouldn’t get into the music business because you’re trying to get rich – there are so many career goals that are way easier, way less work, way less stress, and you’ll make way more money.” As far as her image, the pop starlet says that even though she isn’t going for a prudish “good-girl” image, she still wants to and believes she can inspire younger girls: “I don’t feel the need to be super-conservative in my choices or be a typical ‘role model’. I think I can influence girls to be independent – how to make their own decisions, how to go after their goals and not just sit around waiting to get married” Hit the flip for more from her spread… Dazed Magazine / YouTube

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Tinashe Covers Dazed Magazine, Talks Defining Success And Being A Role Model