Tag Archives: heroin-related

Jaimie King Not Too Old or Too Mom Pussied to Do Lingerie Campaigns of the DAy

Jaimie King was a 15 year old model, who moved to NYC, developed a Heroin addiction, dealt with a boyfriend photographer who died of heroin related disease, and who went onto star in TV shows or movies that I can’t name because I don’t care. She’s had a bunch of kids in the process…and hangs with all kinds of celebrities because she was a set of tits we jerked off to in the late 90s when celebrity and model titties were posted to weird thumbnail gallery sites and had seemingly more allure than the trashy porn chicks of the time… That’s really the only reason i know she existed…modeling topless in an era when it mattered…. Well she’s still modeling, still out there, looking skinny, which is all that matters in an era of everyone being fat and lazy, mom or not, cuz it’s easier to eat the cake than to try to say no to it… Fucked up world…now here’s a 40 year old in a lingerie shoot for a lingerie company for old times I guess. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Jaimie King Not Too Old or Too Mom Pussied to Do Lingerie Campaigns of the DAy