Tag Archives: hide-baggies

REVIEW: Get Him to the Greek Finds the Sweet Spot of Rock Debauchery

In the unapologetically crude and shamelessly silly Get Him to the Greek, Jonah Hill plays a low-level record-company exec, Aaron Green, assigned to escort washed-up rock English rock star Aldous Snow (Russell Brand) from London to New York and then on to Los Angeles, where this petulant, hard-living has-been will ultimately appear in a big comeback concert. Along the way Aaron will have to suffer a variety of humiliations: He’ll be seduced by ambitious, voracious Vegas “entertainers” (much to the chagrin of his long-suffering doctor-in-training girlfriend, played by Elisabeth Moss, left at home); he’ll be plied with substances that turn him into a blathering, paranoid idiot; and he’ll be forced to hide baggies of narcotics in deep, dark secret places. Ah, the rock-and-roll lifestyle, source of much hilarity and debauchery.

REVIEW: Get Him to the Greek Finds the Sweet Spot of Rock Debauchery