Adrienne Curry isn’t a fan of this site….in fact…she actually told me off once for being an asshole…I don’t remember what was said, because it was hardly eventful, but I do know it resulted in me being blocked and her posting as many suggestive pics as possible like she found the answer to getting back in the lowest level of fame she once had thanks to a series of shitty reality shows and more importanlty her getting a divorce from her gravy train that probably stems for an irrational thought that she’s relevant again and that people will finally start hiring her..even though we only notice her cuz it is funny to see her hanging on as naked as she can…..without getting naked…but it is safe to say the nudity is right around the fucking corner….I’m usually good at predicting these things when they are at this level of obvious…. So here’s today’s Adrienne Curry cry for attention….that sadly works cuz we are pathetic…and I’m ready for her sex tape and ultimate suicide….fingers crossed….
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Adrienne Curry Topless Tanning for Twitter of the Day