Tag Archives: his-associates

Kate Gosselin Halloween Wig!

Quick! Order your Kate Gosselin (of John and Kate Plus Eight fame) before the Halloween rush. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Why You Need Passwords

This pic just made me sad…sad that people can find so much porn, however bizarre, and still not know how to hide it better. tsk tsk. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

I Rilly Lovd My Penis

This is an adorable note one of my granddaughters left me after she visited for the weekend. It warmed my old heart so I just had to share it with the BuzzFeed readers! Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Modest Mouse Video Directed by Heath Ledger

Before his untimely death, Heath Ledger began directing a video for Modest Mouse's “King Rat”. Unfortunately he died before the video was completed, and it has been languishing in limbo until now

See the article here:
Modest Mouse Video Directed by Heath Ledger