Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. ~Charles Richards Don’t waste your life doing something you don’t enjoy. If it doesn’t make you happy, its not worth it. As we remember the life and contributions of Don Cornelius today, lets not forget to make the most of every moment we are blessed to live.
Watermelon Ciroc? What’s next? I’ve heard of people bootlegging clothing, music, and DVDs. Now it appears that Diddy’s Ciroc brand is a target. No worries though, Diddy assures that “watermelon” is NOT a flavor in the line up. Check out what he had to say to his millions of twitter followers. My boy Big Tigger just called me to tell me they’re bootlegging Ciroc-with a fake watermelon flavor! That’s some funny shit! Lol. Attn Ciroc Boyz+Girlz! There are only 4 flavors of Ciroc-Peach,Coconut,Redberry+Original. Spread the word! Anything else is an imposter! Ive heard of bootleg Chanel,bootleg Gucci-but this is a 1st! Ciroc-The 1stVodka to have an imposter Dont be fooled-Peach,Coconut,Redberry+Original are the ONLY Ciroc Flavors! Spotted at Rhymes with Snitch
Watermelon Ciroc? What’s next? I’ve heard of people bootlegging clothing, music, and DVDs. Now it appears that Diddy’s Ciroc brand is a target. No worries though, Diddy assures that “watermelon” is NOT a flavor in the line up. Check out what he had to say to his millions of twitter followers. My boy Big Tigger just called me to tell me they’re bootlegging Ciroc-with a fake watermelon flavor! That’s some funny shit! Lol. Attn Ciroc Boyz+Girlz! There are only 4 flavors of Ciroc-Peach,Coconut,Redberry+Original. Spread the word! Anything else is an imposter! Ive heard of bootleg Chanel,bootleg Gucci-but this is a 1st! Ciroc-The 1stVodka to have an imposter Dont be fooled-Peach,Coconut,Redberry+Original are the ONLY Ciroc Flavors! Spotted at Rhymes with Snitch