Tag Archives: hollywood-kick

Jennifer Lawrence Gives Sex Eyes at Some Academy Award Lunch of the Day

I can’t figure out if I find Jennifer Lawrence hot or not…her body is pretty awkward….her fame is pretty annoying…but then again I didn’t see Silver Lining Playbook yet…so maybe I haven’t really given her a chance to grow on me….but I will say that her pics at this Academy Award lunch…look more like she’s at the AVNs….all dead eyes, big lipped, hair in her face….on some porn kick not some hollywood kick….reminding us how good things would be if she took that fork in the being hollywood road we call fucking on camera…. I am always down for sex eyes….whether I like Jennifer Lawrence or not…it doesn’t matter. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Jennifer Lawrence Gives Sex Eyes at Some Academy Award Lunch of the Day