Tag Archives: hopped-on-board

Must Watch: Activist Quanell X Shuts Down Fox News Host In His Own House

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Some blatantly racist statements can’t go unchecked. That’s the task activist Quanell X faced when he recently appeared on Matt Patrick‘s Fox 26 Houston segment Face Off. The topic was standing for the pledge of allegiance, and the gloves were off. Skyla Madria, a fifth-grader, sparked controversy earlier this month when she kneeled during the pledge […]

Must Watch: Activist Quanell X Shuts Down Fox News Host In His Own House

Call Shonda: You Won’t Believe Which Scandal the Real-Life Olivia Pope Has Been Hired To ‘Handle’

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Even casual watchers of the ABC hit Scandal know that Kerry Washington‘s character Olivia Pope is based, not loosely, on a real-life crisis manager named Judy Smith. Well, Ms. Smith just hopped on board to “handle” the divorce of Mr. & Mrs. Smith star Angelina Jolie from her co-star and baby daddy, Brad Pitt. Given […]

Call Shonda: You Won’t Believe Which Scandal the Real-Life Olivia Pope Has Been Hired To ‘Handle’