Tag Archives: horrorstories

The Most Awful Summer Vacation Horror Stories of All Time [Horror Stories]

On Wednesday we asked for your vacation horror stories , and you people delivered with some shitty vacations. Literally. Step on in for tales of woe that will shock and amaze you, and might make you stay at home this summer. More

The Nastiest Things You’ve Ever Seen on the Subway [Horror Stories]

We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into when we asked for your subway horror stories . Here are some of the grossest things we’ve ever heard, and the winner of our sick little contest. More

Ex-Employee Dishes on Life Inside Oprah’s Empire [Horror Stories]

This week we brought you excerpts from the gossipy new Oprah biography by Kitty Kelley. Today we heard from an ex-Harpo staffer who shared with us all sorts of juicy details about what life’s like working for the daytime diva. More