Tag Archives: hot-swimsuit

More Natasha Oakley And Devin Brugman Bikini Pictures

Since you guys seemed to dig those shots we had of professional bikini picture posters Natasha Oakley and Devin Brugman earlier this week, I’ve got a few more for you today. And for those of you who already forgot who they are, these two have a blog where they put up pictures of themselves wearing swimsuits once a day. Which kind of makes us colleagues, since I’m also in the bikini picture posting business. In fact, I think the three of us should meet up for a friendly business lunch sometime. My mom makes great grilled cheese sandwiches. » view all 11 photos Photos: PacificCoastNews

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More Natasha Oakley And Devin Brugman Bikini Pictures

Meet Hottie Kate Potter

Meet our latest no-name hottie, Kate Potter . Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find out too much about Kate, besides the fact that she’s one smoking hot swimsuit model. So that said, since it’s my duty to find out all there is to know about every new hot model out there, I want to extend Kate an invite to Casa Tuna, so I can get to know her better — specifically, the location of every freckle on her body. I don’t care if it takes all night, I’ve got a job to do. » view all 13 photos

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Meet Hottie Kate Potter

Meet Hottie Kate Potter

Meet our latest no-name hottie, Kate Potter . Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find out too much about Kate, besides the fact that she’s one smoking hot swimsuit model. So that said, since it’s my duty to find out all there is to know about every new hot model out there, I want to extend Kate an invite to Casa Tuna, so I can get to know her better — specifically, the location of every freckle on her body. I don’t care if it takes all night, I’ve got a job to do. » view all 13 photos

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Meet Hottie Kate Potter