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Jamie Dornan Deserves Oscar For Fifty Shades of Grey, Film’s Screenwriter Says

Jamie Dornan, Fifty Shades of Grey star and Academy Award winner? If you believe the screenwriter of the upcoming film, he should soon go by that name. 21 Hottest Jamie Dornan Photos 1. Jamie Dornan Shirtless Photo Jamie Dornan modeling shirtless. This is the actor who got the part of Christian Grey. What do you think? Kelly Marcel, who penned the upcoming Fifty Shades adaptation of E.L. James’ erotic novel, says Dornan’s performance is, without a doubt, Oscar worthy. “Apparently Jamie is great at being soft and hard at the same time,” Marcel said, stealing a phrase from Fifty Shades . “Which is hard to do for an actor!” Dornan’s presence and versatility as the film’s lead is so impressive that it deserves an award, according to Marcel, who added, “He’s going to get an Oscar!” It’s hard to tell if she’s serious, but she’s clearly a big fan. Marcel believes his turn as S&M-loving Christian Grey is powerful, nuanced and spectacular, she said during a Q&A on the Aslan’s Writer’s Room series. Fans and critics alike will be able to judge Dornan on more than just the Fifty Shades of Grey trailer when he hits the big screen in February 2015. Marcel also teased the famously boundary-pushing sexual content, which is reportedly teetering over an R-rating. Not that it won’t still be cheesy at times. Fifty Shades of Grey Trailer: 11 Best Moments 1. Whips and Handcuffs! Christian prepares to WORK Ana like you’d expect in a marvelous GIF from the Fifty Shares of Grey trailer. She quoted one of the memorable lines said by Anastasia Steele (played by Dakota Johnson) in Fifty Shades, which references Christian Grey’s “popsicle.” Marcel explained during her interview, “She says that, ‘You are my popsicle.’ That line went in, it’s genius. They apparently did that scene great.” Also great? This recent version of the trailer for Fifty Shades of Grey reenacted by kittens … and another one mashed up with Frozen characters.

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Jamie Dornan Deserves Oscar For Fifty Shades of Grey, Film’s Screenwriter Says