Helen Flanagan is really taking this Glamour Model shit seriously…In case you don’t follow Helen Flanagan’s career, she was a TV star on some syndicated UK show, and decided “shit this TV thing is boring, real girls with big tits, do lad mags, date soccer players and are loved by the the UK reality TV scene”…which for some reason seemed more strategic for her, which works for me, because like every girl who is under 23, she’s got huge tits, thanks to hormones in the food, and huge tits, especially when posted like this…are good times…I assume her play is to be the next Kate Upton, you know another fat girl who isn’t quite fat yet, getting paid and masturbated to by many, and I guess I like that hustle…enough to post it….even if I am more into her booty…
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Helen Flanagan for NUTS of the Day