Tag Archives: humour

Comedy Group Parodies Stephen Baldwin’s Plea for Money

Filed under: Humor , Videos , Movies , Television Last week, failed actor turned fundamentalist Christian Stephen Baldwin launched a YouTube plea for people to send him money in order to show those pinko Hollywood fat cats that a righteous man can’t be beaten down. Comparing Stephen to the long-suffering Biblical figure known as Job , a man who suffered unimaginable diseases and the loss of everything he knew and loved, the video made it difficult for bloggers to figure out if it was real or some kind of bizarre viral marketing for South Park or whatever. Comedy group The Big Honkin have released a parody video that exposes the whole thing for the scam that it is. It’s called Restore Joss Whedon and it burns. Watch both videos after the jump. (Warning: Contains Swears!) And here’s the cringe-worthy original video: Share Continue reading

New Blog – DJ Steve Aoki Does It Wrong

Filed under: Humor , Websites Steve Aoki has always made me feel inferior. He’s a semi-famous DJ who produces actually good music and he’s the son of the founder of Benihana. Does Steve Aoki ever do anything wrong?! Yes, all the time. The new blog DJ Steve Aoki UR Doing it Wrong is photos of just that — him doin’ it wrong. Now I can finally start to accept myself. Continue reading

300 Spartans Ft. Epic Beard Man (Video)

Filed under: Humor , Videos , Movies At this point, there are hundreds of parody videos based around 300 , so I was skeptical when I first saw this video. Turns out it’s a masterpiece of clever editing, elevating the Epic Beard Man footage to dramatic heights. If you’ve never heard of Epic Beard Man, you clearly don’t spend a lot of time on the internet. Our Senior Editor Nick Douglas covered the story a few months back. It was a bizarre phenomenon that left a lot of people wondering who was in the wrong and whether or not someone was lying . Share previously:// Epic Beard Man Update — He’s Not As Heroic As We Thought Continue reading

30 Awesome Pogs From Our Past (Photos)

Filed under: Humor , Photos , Gaming , Art / Design , Lists What are the beautiful, bite-sized discs known as Pogs? If you’re a 90s baby, you remember them as the awesome game which everyone was obsessed by throughout grade school . Thin, cardboard circles known as ” Pogs ” were stacked and hit with heavier, thicker plastic or metal “slammers” used to try and flip them over. Pogs landing face up would then be collected by the slam artist and sometimes not returned if the game was “for keeps.” A kid’s Pog collection was often filled with images, characters and titles from his or her favorite television show, movie, or comic book. The cooler Pogs were often laminated, engraved, or sometimes holographic. Slammers could also be embellished using metal, spiked edges or even insects suspended within them. The possibilities were endless. Pogs originated from a juice made from Passionfruit, Orange and Guava. The idea didn’t come from a huge business trying to sell children some new product — kids invented it all by themselves. Although the Pogs phase fizzled out with the 90s, we love to look back in nostalgia at what we used to be so passionate about as children. Here are 30 pictures of awesome Pogs from the past. God Rules Ren From Ren & Stimpy Magic 8 Ball McDonald’s Power Rangers Jurassic Park Chuck Norris Rappin’ Rapator Looney Tunes King Ding Don Twinkies Snoopy Saturn Charlie Brown Butterfly Skull A Rather Beautiful Depiction of Jackie Kennedy The Simpsons Sonic 8 Balls Comic Books Star Wars Animaniacs O.J. Simpson Guilty Not Guilty Hammer Slammer Jammer Scorpion Mortal Kombat Beavis Share previously:// Pogs Slam Their Way Into Our Hearts Again Through YouTube (Show Us Your Junk) Continue reading

Brontë Sisters Action Figures (Video)

Filed under: Humor , Videos From the Super X-treme Mega History Heroes series, it’s the Bront Continue reading

Foot Fetish Porn, But With Cops

Dirty socks are the new donuts.

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Foot Fetish Porn, But With Cops

Just Launched for Monday, February 1, 2010

Some recent posts launched by top BuzzFeed users. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Ferret Hair Styling Tutorial

Totti the ferret shows you how to get that tousled bedhead look, with just your fingers and a little spit. These ferret videos are the logical next step after you've maxed out on Maru. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment