Tag Archives: ferret

Pet Ferret Steals Man’s Wallet, Makes Run for It

Stop! Cute thief! In a hilarious new viral video, a man’s ferret gets his criminal act on, slyly scurrying about the floor until the ideal moment and then… bam! He steals his owner’s wallet! However, unlike a certain quick raccoon , the ferret doesn’t get very far. Watch now his escape plan is foiled and the wallet is recovered: Ferret Steals Owner’s Wallet

Continued here:
Pet Ferret Steals Man’s Wallet, Makes Run for It

Foot Fetish Porn, But With Cops

Dirty socks are the new donuts.

Read more from the original source:
Foot Fetish Porn, But With Cops

Just Launched for Monday, February 1, 2010

Some recent posts launched by top BuzzFeed users. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Ferret Hair Styling Tutorial

Totti the ferret shows you how to get that tousled bedhead look, with just your fingers and a little spit. These ferret videos are the logical next step after you've maxed out on Maru. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Happy Ferret Dance

Here's a really cute animation of ferrets dancing to a mooged-out version of “Buddy Holly.” There's no point really, except to feel good about yourself, and life in general. After watching this, you should listen to this song

See the article here:
Happy Ferret Dance

Ferret Playing Guitar

If I was going to start a new band, it would be this ferret on guitar, this cat on drums , and this puppy would sing . Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Muppets and Their Mad Men Counterparts

Inspired by the news that Sesame Street will parody Mad Men in its upcoming 40th anniversary season, we've decided to step in and do a little casting this morning.

The rest is here:
Muppets and Their Mad Men Counterparts

Ferret CPR

I'm not 100 percent sure what went on here, but my interpretation is that the ferret is OK and that the firefighter is a hero. ( Via Cynical-C .) Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment