Tag Archives: husband-antonio

BOSSIP Exclusive: Terricka Cromartie Slams Rumors Antonio Has Been Cheating “That Was Just Completely Made Up”

Terricka Cromartie Kills All Talk Of Husband Antonio Cheating After rumors hit the web this morning that Terricka Cromartie was on snapchat complaining about Antonio while she was home with the kids, BOSSIP spoke directly with Terricka Cromartie who adamantly denied any problems on the home front. “I’ve never said anything like that,” Terricka told BOSSIP. “That came from nowhere. I’ve never said anything like that on snapchat or anywhere else.” In fact, trouble in paradise is about as far from the truth of the Cromartie’s situation as you can get. “We’ve been on vacation for a week,” Terricka told BOSSIP of her family of seven (Antonio + five kids Jordynn, Jurzie, Jagger, and newborn twins Jynx and J’adore). “The only things I’ve been posting is my kids and us working out. He (Antonio) watches my snaps all the time too.” Sounds like the whole situation would be laughable if it wasn’t so damaging. Well now that we’ve cleared that up — we hope the Cromarties continue to enjoy their vacation. Hit the flip to enjoy some photos of the beautiful couple and their family.

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BOSSIP Exclusive: Terricka Cromartie Slams Rumors Antonio Has Been Cheating “That Was Just Completely Made Up”