Tag Archives: innovative-way

Recycled Inner-Tube Shoelaces Transform Kicks Into Slip-Ons

Photo: jacco1997/Instructables.com Alchemy Goods –makers of recycled accessories from upcycled materials–is hosting an Inner Tube Reuse Contest with Instructables.com and the submissions have already started to roll in. Among them is an innovative way to use, well, recycled bike inner tubes as shoelaces (via Craftszine ): … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Recycled Inner-Tube Shoelaces Transform Kicks Into Slip-Ons

Levi’s Care to Air Design Competition Finalists Find New Ways to Dry Clothes Without a Dryer

Image courtesy of Hang Anywhere. Experienced riders only try this at home. From The Way We See the World , comes an innovative way to dry your jeans: Red straps made with post-industrial scraps, integrated into Levi’s jeans, let you hang jeans anywhere by simply looping and buttoning them. Hang Anywhere is just one of six finalists designs’ in Levi’s Care to Air Competition , a call to action to… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Originally posted here:
Levi’s Care to Air Design Competition Finalists Find New Ways to Dry Clothes Without a Dryer