Tag Archives: insides-because

Miranda Kerr, Alessandra Ambrosio and Candice Swanpoel in Bikinis of the Day

The pictures of these Victoria’s Secret models are floating around and so are my insides because I drank way too much lastnight, so I figured why not post the video, set to some jazz cuz keepin it jazzy is what life is all about and by jazzy I mean hot bitches in their bikinis and little shorts… Here are the pics…. Alessandra Ambrosio was on some annyoing LA morning show….promoting Victoria’s Secret…if you care what a model has to say, but the good news is that the’s some models in bikini in a hot tub, a hot tub party which as Jersey Shore as it is, it is something I need in my life… The Victoria’s Secret Machine is making their slave women promote the new Swim Catalog pretty fucking hard…they even had an event for the shit and here are some of the models and non-models who attended…if you care… Pics via Bauer

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Miranda Kerr, Alessandra Ambrosio and Candice Swanpoel in Bikinis of the Day