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Gadhafi Was Putting That Strong Dictator Game On Poor Condi Rice Something Tough….Wrote Her A Song Called “Black Flower In The White House”

This is pure hilariousness: Condoleezza Rice describes a 2008 meeting between the pair that ended with Gaddafi showing her photos of Rice with world leaders — and the performance of a song he had composed in her honor. “What was going through my head was ‘How long do I have to sit here and how quickly can I get out of here?’ You know, it was funny because when he said, ‘I have a video for you,’ I thought, ‘Oh my goodness, what is this going to be?’ But it was actually just a bunch of pictures of me with Vladimir Putin, me with Hu Jintao,” Rice tells ABC News in an interview set for next week. “And then he said, ‘I have Libya’s best composer, most famous composer write this song for you,’ and it was called ‘Black Flower in the White House.’” You gotta give this guy an “A” for effort on that one! Source

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Gadhafi Was Putting That Strong Dictator Game On Poor Condi Rice Something Tough….Wrote Her A Song Called “Black Flower In The White House”