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Thor and Captain America Sequel Names Will Be …

The Marvel universe was off the chain at Comic-Con yesterday. At a panel ostensibly devoted to Iron Man 3, Marvel provided movie news galore with two new films as well as its forthcoming Thor and Captain America sequel names: Thor: The Dark World Captain America: The Winter Soldier The Disney-owned studio also says Guardians of the Galaxy – featuring Rocket Raccoon, Star-Lord, Draxx the Destroyer, Groot and Gamora – is on tap for August 2014. Finally, Ant-Man was revealed (fully costumed in Hall H) going from big to small, big to small, big to small while battling two apparently nefarious security guards. “Ant-Man will kick your ass, one inch at a time,” he cracked. Good to know, Ant-Man. Good. To. Know.

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Thor and Captain America Sequel Names Will Be …