Tag Archives: its-six-season

Lost: The Final Scene

So, fellow Middlers and Tailies, Others and Dharmites, Mr. Clucksters and Apollo-Chompers, the end of Lost is nigh. On Sunday night, in a fourteen-and-a-half-hour finalestravaganza, conjoined executive producers Carmon Cuselhof will bury your favorite show alive like a couple of bickering, photogenic diamond thieves. (Have we alienated you with enough inside, borderline nonsensical references yet? Yes? Oh well, you never understood us anyway .) But how will the show finish up its six-season run? To prevent ourselves from spending this weekend curled up in the fetal position while nervously clutching a Hurley-sized bag of Dharma-branded Cheese-Flavor Air Puffs as we await the final round of Answers to our Questions, we’re instead letting our imagination run wild, taking us to the place we dared not visit before: the final scene of Lost . Beware: as this is almost certainly what our last glimpse of the island will look like, spoilers are sure to abound!

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Lost: The Final Scene