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26 Stars Who Are Somehow the Same Age Apparently

As the sports saying goes, Father Time is undefeated. Everybody ages eventually, even Hollywood’s rich and famous and attention-seeking reality TV stars. Not all celebrities are created equal, however. 35 in Hollywood is not the same as 35 in McIntyre, Ga., as the side-by-side photo comparison below illustrates. Yes, Mama June Shannon of Honey Boo Boo fame is 35!! WTH!?! 26 Stars You Won’t Believe Are the Same Age 1. June Shannon and Jennifer Love Hewitt June Shannon and Jennifer Love Hewitt are both 35 years old. Yes, Mama June from Honey Boo Boo is somehow only 35 … while we can’t believe our longtime crush JLH is 35 already. One feels like she’s 35 going on 50 and the other, 35 going on 20. We repeat: Mama June is a grandmother while everybody’s high school crush JLH couldn’t find pay a guy to wife her up for the longest time. What a world. Maybe we’re being unfair, but it’s undeniable that some people age better than others, whether it’s a result of alcohol, drugs, stress or plain ol’ genetics. Female stars not named Lindsay Lohan tend to do a better job than men, too. Perhaps men don’t put in the same kind of effort, or the onslaught of celebrity gossip scrutiny and latent industry sexism forces women to try to defy physics longer. More men than women tend to rock the grays with pride. Just saying. There are exceptions, of course, like Pharrell Williams, Jim Parsons and Jared Leto, all of whom are much older than you probably think. As is Halle Berry. Intrigued yet? Open the gallery above. You won’t believe it. So yeah, these celebrities are somehow the same age. Prepare to pick your jaws up off the floor and have some great fun facts to throw out at your holiday party.

26 Stars Who Are Somehow the Same Age Apparently

Nicole Richie Wears Six-Year-Old Daughter’s Clothes, Shares Photo on Instagram

Back in July, reality star  Bethenny Frankel wore her 4-year-old daughter’s clothes on Instagram, and found herself harshly criticized for glamorizing an unhealthy body ideal. Apparently Nicole Richie didn’t learn from the Skinny Girl’s ordeal, as she recently posted a photo of herself rocking 6-year-old daughter Harlow’s jacket online: “Thanks for letting me borrow your jacket Harlow,” Richie captioned the above photo. Richie, of course, is the former party girl who rose to fame as Paris Hilton’s BFF and co-star of the proto-reality show, The Simple Life. Nicole has calmed down considerably in recent years, and the most controversial thing she’s done lately is dye her hair purple .  Of course, if the response to Richie sporting the latest in toddler fashion is anything like the backlash experienced by Frankel, the Candidly Nicole star may soon find herself issuing apologies. In Bethenny’s case the outrage was so extreme that a judge blasted Frankel for her insensitive selfie. Nicole probably won’t receive quite the same negative response, as she only wore Harlow’s jacket and not a full outfit, like Bethenny. Even so Richie’s weight has been a subject of scrutiny, and one would think she’d be sensitive enough to the pressure created by body image ideals to not boast about her slender frame on social media. Pro tip, Nicole: If you really like your daughter’s jacket, go on and have one made for yourself. You know you’re rich, right? Nicole Richie Paper Magazine Photos 1. Nicole Richie Umbrella Photo Nicole holds an unblrella in her backyard. It’s not raining, the purple just matches her hair.

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Nicole Richie Wears Six-Year-Old Daughter’s Clothes, Shares Photo on Instagram