Tag Archives: james david pasternak

Tour of Pixar Studios Predictably Adorable

Melena Ryzik — The Carpetbagger to you, buddy — recently went behind the curtain of Pixar Studios just outside of San Francisco. Did she find out where all the Pixar bodies are buried? Is the Pixar campus like a live-action version of Sunnyside Daycare? Nope! But it is delightful, as the Foosball table, cereal bar, and hidden speakeasy can attest. Click through to watch the six-minute video — you won’t be sorry. [ NYT /Carpetbagger ]

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Tour of Pixar Studios Predictably Adorable

REVIEW: Certifiably Jonathan Paints Messy, Incomplete Portrait of a Comedy Legend

The documentary Certifiably Jonathan has engrossing moments in it. How can it not? It’s got a great subject — the extraordinarily voluble comedian Jonathan Winters, whose constant rush of words can be like a blizzard: beautiful, maddening, exhausting and finally beautiful again. But it’s not a great film.

Continued here:
REVIEW: Certifiably Jonathan Paints Messy, Incomplete Portrait of a Comedy Legend