Tag Archives: jaredloughner

Jared Loughner’s Ex: ‘He’s Faking Everything’ [Video]

Thanks for participating, Kelsey Hawkes, but another ex-girlfriend of Tucson shooter Jared Loughner , Ashley Figueroa , has emerged on television. Figueroa also dated Loughner in high school, and she brings the dirt: “I think he’s faking everything.” More

Jared Loughner’s Ex: ‘He’s Faking Everything’ [Video]

Thanks for participating, Kelsey Hawkes, but another ex-girlfriend of Tucson shooter Jared Loughner , Ashley Figueroa , has emerged on television. Figueroa also dated Loughner in high school, and she brings the dirt: “I think he’s faking everything.” More

Jared Loughner Took Pictures of Himself In a G-String With His Gun [Creepy]

According to the New York Times , investigators have obtained photographs, apparently taken by Tucson gunman Jared Loughner , of Loughner holding a gun against his “naked buttocks” and crotch. More

Arizona Shooter Explained Mind Control on YouTube [Video]

The gunman who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 17 others in Arizona this morning has been identified as 22-year-old Jared Loughner . He uploaded a number of strange videos to YouTube expressing convoluted philosophical and political views. And he hates Giffords. More