Tag Archives: jihadi-john

Mohammed Emwazi baseball cap photos

The executioner – this week unmasked as Londoner Mohammed Emwazi in baseball cap – was a supporter of Hitler and called Jews #39;f***king pigs#39;, it#39;s been revealed. Merciless killer Jihadi John was #39;never the same#39; after suffering a serious head injury when he ran into a goal post as a child, a former classmate has claimed. The executioner – this week unmasked as Londoner Mohammed Emwazi – agreed with Hitler#39;s massacre of Jews and called them #39;f***king pigs#39;, another has

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Mohammed Emwazi baseball cap photos

Samsung UN32EH4003 32-inch 720p 60Hz LED HDTV reviews

This is a really sweet Samsung HDTV for the price. The first one I bought at Walmart for $298 was on Sept. 4th. That one had some LED backlight bleed on the bottom center of it. Like a white cloud around 4 or 5 inches long. So I took it back and returned it and went to another Walmart to purchase another one. No noticeable backlight bleed on this one. I remember reading that there is no noticeable difference between a 1080P vs. 720P with HDTV#39;s under 40″. I found this to be true with a 32″ H

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Samsung UN32EH4003 32-inch 720p 60Hz LED HDTV reviews