Tag Archives: jolla-billboard

La Jolla Millionaire Posts Controversial Billboard, Seeks Latina Girlfriend

A flashy billboard purchased by a La Jolla, Calif., millionaire looking for a certain kind of love was taken down over the weekend amid criticism and vandalism. Marc Paskin, 62, bought a billboard on I-5 and 28th Street that featured a photo of himself and stated, bluntly, “All I want for Christmas is a Latina Girlfriend.” Presumably, Marc wanted San Diego-area Latinas to contact him directly. The blunt billboard stirred up some controversy in the area; while some residents found it lighthearted and comical, others thought it was slightly offensive. With 24 hours, Paskin’s billboard was damaged . His email address was peeled off, but the rest of the message – including his holiday wish – remained intact. The following day, the billboard was half missing, and the entire, massive message did not last the weekend; the billboard is now stripped down to nothing. There is no explanation as to why the billboard has disappeared. Incidentally, Paskin is an area real estate investor who was featured on an episode of Secret Millionaire last year, when he spent a week living on less than $50 a day. Maybe he should boast about that on his next billboard.

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La Jolla Millionaire Posts Controversial Billboard, Seeks Latina Girlfriend