Tag Archives: judas-iscario

Carrie Prejean off to the take parts, pro a Song

Carrie Prejean warmed up her choral talents in her hometown of San Diego on Wednesday, the stage ‘Where the Turf Meets the Surf’ at the 70th anniversary of the Del Mar Racetrack. The former Miss California, who announced this week she was writing a book, got off to a pitchy start but cleared things up by the end of her rendition of the Bing Crosby classic, written for the racing track in 1937.

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Carrie Prejean off to the take parts, pro a Song

The Exploitation of Carrie Prejean

She got a free pair of implants and a few moments of fleeting fame on the losing side of history—but today Carrie Prejean's exploited ass is in the sling . Even though she worked her butt, and lied her ass off , in getting a beauty queen tiara –she gave it all up by being a bitch—and refusing to do all the stupid things that beauty queens are suppose to do. Just like cocktail waitresses and strippers are quite aware of what they are doing…

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The Exploitation of Carrie Prejean