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One Who Nose: Hazel E Rebuts Respiratory Rumors That Her Offensive Olfactory Occupancy On #LHHH Is Over

Image via Adriana M. Barraza/WENN Hazel E Refutes Rumors That She Was Fired Despite her hateful homophobic rant last week, Love & Hip-Hop Hollywood’s Hazel E swears up and down the rumors of her earlier demise are greatly exaggerated. The schnoz-ed out reality star took to Instagram to pull her receipts. There’s no telling what true and what’s not with these type of people. Anyone can concoct some paperwork to and jump on social media with fake news. Guess we’ll just see what’s what when the new season starts. Flip the page to see more of Hazel in all her semi-employed splendor.

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One Who Nose: Hazel E Rebuts Respiratory Rumors That Her Offensive Olfactory Occupancy On #LHHH Is Over