Tag Archives: keely-hazell

Keely Hazell’s 2010 Calendar Preview of the Day

Here is some Keely Hazell tits in a bikini in some photoshoot for some 2010 Calendar, because you know a bitch with big tits who was a glamour model in the UK and who I know very little about because she does very little with her career, posing in a bikini for her calendar that I guess mechanics, people who can’t give up on a really dated tradition and people who don’t have computers or cellphones will buy or get as a gift, despite being one of the shittiest fucking gifts you can give someone pretty much ever, you know when you get one of these for Xmas or your birthday that that person just fucking hates you and this is their passive aggressive way. Either way, the pics are ok

Excerpt from:
Keely Hazell’s 2010 Calendar Preview of the Day