Tag Archives: kelly-custis

Florida Crazies: Blonde Becky Bartender Breaks Into Her Ex-Boo’s Crib To Pull Out His Fiancee’s Hair While She Was Sleeping!

That bish cray Florida Woman Breaks Into Ex Boyfriend’s House To Attack His Fiancee Via NYDailyNews A bitter Florida bartender broke into her firefighter ex-fiancé’s home as he slept in bed with his new lover and tried to strangle her, police have revealed. Jealous 27-year-old Kelly Custis barged into David Lewis’ bedroom at on Monday and reportedly launched a vicious attack on his new girlfriend. Police say scratched Shelley Graham, 28, on her chest, arms and face – and ripped out clumps of her hair which were later found on the bathroom floor. Police say Lewis dialed 911 and that the fight could be heard in the background when he was speaking to the dispatcher. According to The Daytona Beach News-Journal Lewis said during the call, “‘I have my ex-fiancée in my bed. And I’ve got another girl in my house.” The dispatcher asks him, “The girls are fighting in your bed?” Lewis, 31, replies ‘yes’ and then says he needs the police. He is then heard shouting at the women, begging them to stop their brawl. Police arrived and Custis, a bartender at Fourth Street Bar and Grille in Daytona Beach, Florida, was arrested and charged with burglary with assault or battery. LMAO at them printing EXACTLY where this crazy hussy works. Find some new d**k and calm down sweetheart, he just don’t like you like that no mo’. Image via Volusia County

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Florida Crazies: Blonde Becky Bartender Breaks Into Her Ex-Boo’s Crib To Pull Out His Fiancee’s Hair While She Was Sleeping!