Tag Archives: kept-it-moving

Jamie Foxx Talks Chris Brown As A Father: “His Smile Now Is Just Different”

Jamie Foxx Says It’s Great To See Chris Brown Being A Father Chris Brown’s While chatting his dating life and THAT rendition of The Star Spangled Banner , Jamie Foxx turned the convo to his pride over Chris Brown’s Daddy-hood. At the 1:29 mark , Jamie Foxx tells E! News that he admires Chris for stepping up and being an involved father to little Royalty , where many would have just sent their checks in and kept it moving… “I just felt like, you know, in our business you could’ve thrown money at it. And to see him take that step and really take care of his daughter… that is not to be overly commended because it’s what he’s supposed to do, but you know how this business can be. I thought that, for him, to see his smile now is just different to me and I hope he doesn’t mind me saying that. It was great to see that.” Nice! Do you see the difference in Daddy Breezy as well? E! News

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Jamie Foxx Talks Chris Brown As A Father: “His Smile Now Is Just Different”

Kids With Kids: Celebrities That Had Children When They Were Teenagers

Kids are a lot of work, even if you’re an adult, but having them when you’re a teen is a whole other monster. For celebrities, it’s remarkable that they can still follow their dreams after having to handle a lil’ one before they hit the legal drinking age. Here are some stars that defied the odds and kept it moving even after having babies at a young age.

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Kids With Kids: Celebrities That Had Children When They Were Teenagers