Tag Archives: killed-on-talk

Gabourey Sidibe Hosts Saturday Night Live: Precious

The most satisfying part of last year’s endlessly endless Oscar season? Watching Precious star Gabourey Sidibe turn into “Gabby,” the bubbly and energetic girl that killed on talk shows and made everyone — but Howard Stern — fall in love. So it should be no surprise that her appearance on Saturday Night Live followed suit. Sidibe charmed, delighted and elevated even the lamest skits to laugh-worthy heights — see: the should-have-been-bad-but-was-really-funny Mrs. Johnson sketch — and, unlike last week’s host Ryan Phillippe, she seemed genuinely happy to be there. As a result, this turned out to be one of the best episodes of the season. Check out the Mrs. Johnson skit and more highlights — including a bit from Will Forte that basically reinvents awesomeness — after the jump.

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Gabourey Sidibe Hosts Saturday Night Live: Precious