Tag Archives: killer-fitness

Woman Stabbed in Elevator In Philly and Other Videos of the Day

Gas Station Dreams in Dalla Scooter VS Car – Road Rage Brilliant Driving Fish Vendor VS Customer The post Woman Stabbed in Elevator In Philly and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Woman Stabbed in Elevator In Philly and Other Videos of the Day

Emma Stone’s Killer Fitness Pose of the Day

I think this is probably the best picture I’ve seen of super famous, not quite sure why, mainly because of the weird thing she does with her mouth when she talks, that I’d call a lisp, but that virgin loser comic book fans are too busy masturbating to to notice… The reason this is probably the best picture of her…is because her average looking face isn’t in it… That’s a fit fucking ass, squeezed in nicely by her leggings, because all this girl has to do to fill her days – is hit the gym, count her money and read scripts she’s already got the job for, to decide what the best way to Oscar is… Actors are fucking lame, but this one’s won some kind of lottery, so I appreciate her, because I can tell in all her roles that she’s thinking “why the fuck am I here, how the fuck did this happen, I just did an indy movie and WTF, I went viral”…and viral, at least when it comes to pussy is all I know… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK The post Emma Stone’s Killer Fitness Pose of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Emma Stone’s Killer Fitness Pose of the Day