Tag Archives: kinda-want

Holly Madison’s Sweet Sweet Front Meat

I don’t know what event Holly Madison is attending, I think it has something to do with Elvis, but I’m extremely thankful she brought her big fake boobs with her. Holly is by far one of my favorite fake blond fake boobed former Playboy playmates out there. I know that kind of narrows the field down, but she’s top of my list anyway. I still can’t get over those sweet chesticles, I kinda want to punch them to see what happens. I bet they wouldn’t even move. Actually, I’d probably hurt myself, I have frail blogger’s wrists. It’s a serious infliction.

"Carol Brown," Flight of the Conchords

My Friday Favourite song from our Kiwi brothers, “The Flight of the Concords” — New Zealand's fourth most popular digi-folk paradists. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Bang! Gun Dress Costume

I kinda want this myself. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment