Tag Archives: knew-water

Courtney Love Actually Looks Half Decent

I had to double check my facts before putting these pictures up because I couldn’t believe that this was actually Courtney Love , I’m still not really convinced, but they seem to be legit. If it is in fact her, I’m pretty impressed, she looks half decent. When did she get those boobs or is that one of those magical Paris Hilton bras ? Either way I like it, now if there was some way to fix that face of her… A pillow case should do the trick.

Blake Lively Is Cheating On Me

I knew it was just a matter of time before I’d catch Blake Lively cheating on me with some guy in a tuxedo, girls are so predictable, but I didn’t know it was going to hurt so much. Here she is in her sexy lacy evening gown showing off the cleavage that I love so much. It’s like a dagger in my heart. At least I’ll always have fond memories of our time together. That time we took a bath together was magical and very expensive. Who knew water could do some much damage to a laptop.